MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing a supportive, nurturing environment for today’s at-home and part-time working moms that started right here in Simi Valley almost 40 years ago! Our goal is singular: to give and receive support, because navigating motherhood is best done together. In addition to supporting each other, we support our community through fundraisers and community projects. Our chapter is run by its members, who each find a way to contribute their time to plan and run our services and programs. We are a group of passionate moms who have a vested interest in supporting each other and creating lifelong friendships for both ourselves and our children.
As the founding chapter of MOMS Club, we share great pride in continuing the traditions that Mary James established while adapting with the ever-changing needs of the modern mother. Our goals include giving moral support to at-home mothers, providing a forum for topics of interest to women, giving mothers a voice in the community, and performing service projects, especially those benefiting children and families. MOMS Club offers a variety of enriching activities that support our idea that staying home to raise our children is a fulfilling full-time job. It is our strong belief that our children are our most important investment. Each and every mother helps us create a village where both moms and children benefit.

MOMS Club® began almost 40 years ago in 1983 right here in Simi Valley, California when Mary James, a stay-at-home mother decided she was tired of being alone at home every day. She wanted to find a way to meet other stay-at-home mothers and she wanted to find other stay-at-home children for her children to play with. When she discovered there were no other organizations that met during the day and allowed her to come with her baby and preschooler, she decided to start a brand new group just for at-home mothers…and MOMS Club was born. The club she started was so successful, she knew mothers in other areas must need a MOMS Club, too. Soon, she and other volunteers were helping mothers to start MOMS Club chapters across the country and around the world.
International MOMS Club
MOMS Club is now an international non-profit, non-denominational organization and a 501 (C) (3) publicly-supported charity providing support for mothers and their children. Currently there are over 1,500 chapters in the U.S. alone, and over 100,000 members. Chapters of MOMS Club continue to thrive all around the globe!
MOMS Club Simi Valley
We are currently offering membership to residents of Simi Valley, California.
If you are outside of this area, please visit the International MOMS Club page to find your local chapter.